Brong Ahafo Region


Let us welcome you to Brong Ahafo, the region at the heart of Ghana, with a multiplicity of ethnic groups, physical features, cultural practices that dates back into antiquity, tourist attractions opportunities for investment in all sectors of the economy especially tourism, and of an open, and warm-hearted people, ready to welcome you and make your stay in Brong Ahafo a memorable one.

Sunyani, the captail of the Brong Ahafo Region is linked to Accra by a first class road and is about seven hours drive between them, at a relatively regular pace. From Sunyani you may then begin your tour, which will take you to the major tourist attractions of Brong Ahafo.


Created on 4th April 1959 out of the then Western Ashanti, Brong Ahafo is the second largest region of Ghana in terms of landmass with a territorial size of 39,557,O8sq.kms.


The Region can boast of first class roads linking its major towns to the regional capital, Sunyani and the rest of the country.

Sunyani has an airport, which connects the region by air to Kumasi, Accra and Takoradi. Air transportation is however irregular and is therefore unreliable. Lake Brong Ahafo has three in-land lake ports on its portion of the Volta Lake. These are Yeji, New Buipe and Yapei, which can all be reached from Akosombo using the Yapei Queen among others.

There is an effective communication system in place with over 6,800 direct telephone lines linking most district capitals; radio phones are used in other districts. Mobile phones are also now in use.

The thirteen (13) district capitals have been provided with electricity whose voltage is the same as the national one of 220 volts and of 3-pronged and 2-pronged out- lets.

Money Exchange
There are a few foreign exchange bureaus in most of the district capitals dealing in monetary transactions in cedis and selected foreign currencies.

The region boasts of over 120 hotels, most of which are budget. Star-rated hotels and luxury guesthouses can be found in Sunyani, Techiman, Berekum, Wenchi and Dormaa. Neat budget hotels and guesthouses are in every one of the thirteen districts in the Region.


Attractions Cultrual Festivals & Events Wildlife & Nature



Kintampo Falls
These beautiful falls are hidden away in the woods close to the Kumasi/Kintampo highway.

Boabeng-Fiema Sanctuary
22km north of Nkoranza, and home to many families of Colobus and Mona monkeys, which are held sacred by the local people. Visitors taking the forest walk along shaded trails are rewarded with sightings of many birds, butterflies and indigenous flowers and tree.

Traditional Cloth Making at Boama
A20km from Techiman, village of Nsuta is famous for the production of Kyenkyen, a local folk weave cloth.

The Heritage of Brong Ahafo
The history and culture of Brong Ahafo comes alive if you visit the Hani Archaeological site 50km from Wenchi, inhabited by the Benghos about 1200BC, and the Kwaku Fri shrine at Nwoase 6km from Wenchi. The shrine is only accessible to visitors on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Lake Volta
Lake Volta flows along the eastern edge of Brong Ahafo and a visit to the port of Yeji. Local fishermen land their catch here and the boat from Akosombo stops off here.

Cultrual Festivals & Events

Apoo Festival

Apoo is celebrated in Techiman and Wenchi in November. It is a festival for the purification of the people to rid them of social evil. The festival lasts one week and includes a variety of traditional cultural activity. It ends on the sixth day with the Apoo procession, when insinuations are cast about the evil doings of some of the citizens. Even the Chief is not spared. This period is a time for family reunions and unity among the people. You are welcome to join the festivities.
Fordjour (Yam Festival)

It is celebrated in the months of August and September. The chiefs and people of Badu in the Wenchi District of Brong Ahafo Region celebrate this yam festival annually.

The festival ushers in the new yam.

Sasabobirim Festival

The chiefs and people of Awuah Domase near Sunyani the Brong Ahafo Region celebrate this festival. It is a week-long annual festival and it is celebrated in remembrance of their brave chief who joined Yaa Ashatewaa to fight the Europeans in the early part of the 20 th century. It is celebrated in November.

Kwafie Festival

It is a weeklong celebration held in November and December. The chiefs and people of Dormaa, Berekum and Nsoatre Traditional areas in the Brong Ahafo Region celebrate Kwafie festival.

It is a purification ceremony, the highlight of which is a large bonfire in the courtyard of the chief. It is believed that the Dormaas brought fire to Ghana and the legend is symbolically represented in a bonfire.

Wildlife & Nature

Boabeng-Fiema Sanctuary
Do you want to have a friendly interaction with monkeys? Then the right place to be is Boabeng-Fiema Sanctuary. It is a famous example of traditional Africa conservation. Boabeng-Fiema is the only place in Africa where monkeys can be easily be viewed in this high numbers.

Location: It is nestled in between the two communities of Boabeng and Fiema near Techiman. in the Brong Ahafo Region

Size: It is a small protected area of 4.4 km2

Vegetation: The vegetation type is that of a forest type.

Key fauna: Though the sanctuary is small, it’s the home of about 500 Campbell’s Mona Monkeys, 200 Geoffrey’s Pied Colobus, variety of butterflies, birdlife and over 90 identified species of trees.

Other Features: The monkeys come home to interact with the local communities in the morning and late afternoon.

Tourist Site nearby:
Traditional cloth making at Boama, 20km from Techiman
The centre of Ghana close to Kintampo town
The Ancient Amowi Caves is close by
Kintampo waterfalls
Fuller waterfalls
Bui National Park

Boabeng community
Fiema community

Guided Tour: Available

Camping Facility: Available

Apoo festival is celebrated by the chiefs and people if Techiman and Wenchi
Kwafie Festival is a week long celebration which is held in November and December

Access: By road, the sanctuary is reached by Techiman on the main road north from Kumasi

Time for Visit: Throughout the year

Accommodation: 6 bedroom Guesthouse at sanctuary

Safety Tips:
Visitors must accord the indigenous people respect
No visitor must harm any animal
Light clothing is advised in the dry season
Heavy clothing is recommended in the raining season

Health facilities: There are about 6 government hospitals, 10 mission hospitals and about 9 privately owned clinics in the region
Kintampo Waterfalls
Kintampo falls: These beautiful falls are hidden away in the woods close to the Kumasi/Kintampo highway. The fall is only 4km away from the town on the Kintampo-Tamale highway. This is the point where the Pumpu River falls some seventy (70) metres down beautiful rocky steps to continue its journey towards the Black Volta at Buipe.
Volta River

The Volta River flows along the eastern edge of Brong Ahafo and a visit to the port of Yeji Makes a pleasant excursion. Local Fishermen land their catch here and the boats from Akosombo stop off here.

Fuller Falls

The hills surrounding Kintampo run from north to south and form a transitional zone between the northern landscapes and the adjacent forested regions that extend into the mountains. Of particular interest is Fuller Falls, located some 7km west of Kintampo. It falls gently over a series of cascades along the river Oyoko at Yabraso. It provides a scenic beauty at the site of the falls as it continues its journey towards the Black Volta River.

The surroundings of the Fuller Falls provides for the visitor a wonderful peaceful scenery and a refreshing pool to take a dip and a place to just
relax quietly
Bui National Park

Bui National Park, one of the largest protected areas in Ghana and endowed with many wildlife species as well as breathtaking sites.

Bui is found in the Tain/ Wenchi district with Nsawkwa/ Wenchi as district capitals respectively. The park stretches over part of Brong Ahafo (regional capital is Sunyani) and Northern region (regional capital is Tamale). The park is 57km away from Nsawkwa and 100km from Wenchi.

Size: It stretches 50km of Ghana’s border with Cote d’Ivoire. The Black Volta River crosses its 1800km2 area from north to south.

Vegetation: It consists mostly of open woodland savannah with small dispersed trees and grassland with Riverine forest.

Key fauna: Adding to the pleasant sight of this reserve are faunas like Hippopotamus, Waterbuck, Kob, Warthog, Baboons, Patas monkey, Green monkey, Duikers, varieties of Birds, Crocodiles, Bushbuck, Roan Antelope.

Other Features: Caves, waterfalls, Riverine vegetation, series of mountains and hills, the river flows through the Bui Gorge in the course of its journey.

Tourist Sites nearby: Kintampo waterfalls, Boabeng-Fiema monkey Sanctuary, Mole National Park

Festival: Yam festival celebrated from September to October

Tourist Activities: Game viewing, bird-watching, canoeing, hiking/ nature walk, mountain climbing, swimming,

Guided Tour: Available

Camping Facilities: Available

Park Brochure: Yet to be developed

Access: By road from Accra through Kumasi via Wenchi to Bui

Time for Visit: November to early August

Accommodation: Bui Camp (Rest House), Wenchi (Rest house & hotels), Techiman (Hotels; star rated, example is Dari Hotel)

Safety Tips:
Wear life jacket when on river.
Insect repellent is recommended in the raining season
In dry season light clothing is advised
In the raining season, heavy clothing is recommended

Health Facility:
Bui clinic (Bui camp),
Wenchi hospital is 100km from the park,
Sabie Health centre is 26km from park